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/ Libris Britannia 4 / science library(b).zip / science library(b) / PROGRAMM / VISUAL_B / H441.ZIP / VXBTEST.ZIP / VXFORM5.FRM (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1992-11-13  |  15KB  |  430 lines

  1. VXFORM5
  2. Aircraft Record
  3. Form2%
  4. Q    AirStatus
  5. MS Serif
  6. AirExit
  7. E&xit
  8. AirMemo
  9. &Memo
  10. 5    AirDelete
  11. &Delete
  12. 3    AirCancel
  13. &Cancel
  14. AirSave
  15. &Save
  16. AirFuel
  17. MS Serif
  18. AirEmpty
  19. MS Serif
  20. Picture1
  21. Frame13
  22. Avionics
  23. MS Serif
  24. AirDeice
  25. Deice
  26. MS Serif
  27. AirELT
  28. MS Serif
  29. AirRadarAlt
  30. Radar Altimeter
  31. MS Serif
  32. AirAudioPan
  33. Audio Panel
  34. MS Serif
  35. AirAutoP
  36. Auto Pilot
  37. MS Serif
  38. Air3LMB
  39. MS Serif
  40. AirRadar
  41. Radar
  42. MS Serif
  43. AirGlideSl
  44. GlideSlope
  45. MS Serif
  46. AirRMI
  47. MS Serif
  48. AirXpndr
  49. Transponder
  50. MS Serif
  51. AirHSI
  52. MS Serif
  53. AirADF
  54. MS Serif
  55. AirRnav
  56. MS Serif
  57. AirNav2
  58. NavCom2
  59. MS Serif
  60. AirDME
  61. MS Serif
  62. AirNav1
  63. NavCom1
  64. MS Serif
  65. AirGross
  66. MS Serif
  67. AirTTSN
  68. MS Serif
  69. Y    AirAnnual
  70. MS Serif
  71. AirYear
  72. MS Serif
  73. AirPrice
  74. MS Serif
  75. Picture2
  76. AirSTOH
  77. MS Serif
  78. AirSPOH
  79. MS Serif
  80. AirSMOH
  81. MS Serif
  82. Label16
  83. MS Serif
  84. Label3
  85. MS Serif
  86. Label2
  87. Major
  88. MS Serif
  89. Label1
  90. Since Overhaul
  91. MS Serif
  92. AirNet
  93. MS Serif
  94. AirDesc
  95. MS Serif
  96. AirTypeHelp
  97. MS Serif
  98. AirType
  99. MS Serif
  100. AirNNo
  101. MS Serif
  102. AirCode
  103. MS Serif
  104. Label15
  105. Fuel Cap
  106. MS Serif
  107. Label14
  108. Empty Wt
  109. MS Serif
  110. Label13
  111. Gross Wt
  112. MS Serif
  113. Label12
  114. MS Serif
  115. Label11
  116. Annual
  117. MS Serif
  118. Label10
  119. MS Serif
  120. Label9
  121. Price
  122. MS Serif
  123. Label8
  124. MS Serif
  125. Label7
  126. Description
  127. MS Serif
  128. Label6
  129. MS Serif
  130. Label5
  131. MS Serif
  132. Label4
  133. MS Serif
  134. AirDataClear
  135. AirCode5
  136. CustKey
  137. AirNNo
  138. AirType
  139. AirDesc^
  140. AirPrice
  141. AirYear
  142.     AirAnnualC
  143. AirTTSN
  144. AirSMOH
  145. AirSPOH
  146. AirSTOH
  147. AirGross
  148. AirEmpty~
  149. AirFuelt
  150. AirNet
  151. Air3LMB
  152. Valuel
  153. AirADF
  154. AirAudioPan
  155. AirAutoPj
  156. AirDeiceP
  157. AirDME
  158. AirELT
  159. AirGlideSl
  160. AirHSI
  161. AirNav1
  162. AirNav2
  163. AirRadar
  164. AirRadarAltA
  165. AirRMI
  166. AirRnav
  167. AirXpndr{
  168. AirDataLoad
  169. NumVal
  170. CursorWait0
  171. vxField&
  172. vxDoubleC
  173. vxTrue
  174. vxUnlock
  175. CursorArrow
  176.     Form_Load{
  177. vxSelectDbf9
  178. AircraftDbf
  179. Form5Active
  180. AircraftReturn
  182.     AirStatus
  183. AirSave<
  184. Enabled
  185.     AirCancel*
  186.     AirDelete
  187. FALSE:
  188. AirMemo#
  189. vxRecNo
  190. AirExit_Clickn
  191. VXFORM5
  192. Form_UnloadN
  193. Cancel
  194. vxClose
  195. AirtypesDbfv
  196. vxWindowDereg
  197. StatesOpen
  198. AircustDbf
  199. CustReturn
  201. vxSeek+
  202. VXFORM3
  203. AirAnnual_GotFocus
  204. vxCtlLength
  205. AirNet_GotFocus
  206. AirEmpty_GotFocus%
  207. AirFuel_GotFocusF
  208. AirGross_KeyPress
  209. KeyAsciiY
  210. AirNNo_GotFocusn
  211. AirPrice_GotFocus
  212. AirSMOH_GotFocus
  213. AirSPOH_GotFocus
  214. AirSTOH_GotFocus
  215. AirTTSN_GotFocus
  216. AirType_GotFocus
  217. AirYear_GotFocus
  218. AirGross_GotFocus
  219. AirAnnual_KeyPress&
  220. AirEmpty_KeyPress:
  221. AirFuel_KeyPressM
  222. AirNet_KeyPressb
  223. AirPrice_KeyPressv
  224. AirSMOH_KeyPress
  225. AirSPOH_KeyPress
  226. AirSTOH_KeyPress
  227. AirTTSN_KeyPress
  228. AirYear_KeyPress
  229. AirNNo_KeyPress
  230. AirType_KeyPress
  231. AirCancel_ClickK
  232. AirDelete_Click
  233. vxDeleteRec
  234. AirType_LostFocus
  235. EmptyString~
  236. AirTypeHelp_Click
  237. vxSelectNtx
  238. AirtypesNtx
  239. TypeReturn
  240. vxBrowse
  241. AirSave_Click
  242. IsTrue
  243. SeekKey
  244. vxAppendBlank
  245. vxReplString
  246. vxReplDouble9
  247. vxWrite
  248. AirMemo_Click
  249. RecNum
  250. vxMemoEdit
  251. vxGob
  252. Form_PaintH
  253. vxFormFrameV
  254. vxCtlStyleo
  255. VX_RAISE
  256.     VX_RECESS
  257. Picture2
  258. Picture1
  259. sTrue
  260. vxReplLogical
  261. vxRepl
  262. AirAnnual_GotFocus
  263. c_annual#
  264. AirAnnual_KeyPress
  265. {Tab}"
  266. AirCancel_Click
  267. AirDataClear
  268. AirDataLoad
  269. c_nno"
  270. c_cat"
  271. c_desc
  272. c_price"
  273. #######0
  274. c_year
  275. c_annual
  276. c_ttsn
  277. #####0
  278. c_smoh
  279. c_spoh
  280. c_stoh
  281. c_gwt"
  282. ####0"
  283. c_ewt"
  284. ####0"
  285. c_fuelcap"
  286. c_net"
  287. #######0
  288. c_lmb"
  289. c_adf"
  290. c_audpan
  291. c_autop"
  292. c_deice"
  293. c_dme"
  294. c_elt"
  295. c_glidesl"
  296. c_hsi"
  297. c_navcom1"
  298. c_navcom2"
  299. c_radar"
  300. c_radaral"
  301. c_rmi"
  302. c_rnav
  303. c_xpndr"
  304. AirDelete_Click
  305.  get user confirmation of delete
  306. Confirm Delete
  307. Delete failed"
  308. Delete cancelled
  309. AirEmpty_GotFocus
  310. c_ewt"#
  311. AirEmpty_KeyPress
  312. {Tab}"
  313. AirExit_Click
  314. AirFuel_GotFocus
  315. c_fuelcap"#
  316. AirFuel_KeyPress
  317. {Tab}"
  318. AirGross_GotFocus
  319. c_gwt"#
  320. AirGross_KeyPress
  321. {Tab}"
  322. AirMemo_Click
  323.  Edit memo. Always have an ENABLED form showing to act as
  324.  parent to the memo window.E
  325.  save rec num to goto later-
  326.  make sure form has focus
  327. c_memo#
  328.  in case someone changed
  329. AirNet_GotFocus
  330. c_net"#
  331. AirNet_KeyPress
  332. {Tab}"
  333. AirNNo_GotFocus
  334. c_nno"#
  335. AirNNo_KeyPress
  336.  convert to uppercase
  337. {Tab}"
  338. AirPrice_GotFocus
  339. c_price"#
  340. AirPrice_KeyPress
  341. {Tab}"
  342. AirSave_Click
  343.  verify something in the key field
  344. Field cannot be empty"
  345.  verify unique key if adding
  346. Duplicate Key on Add
  347.  verify that type code is in types filet
  348. Type code not found"
  349.  Data passed. Put it away
  350.  replace strings
  351. c_code
  352. c_nno"
  353. c_cat"
  354. c_desc
  355. c_year
  356. c_annual
  357.  replace numeric values
  358. c_price"
  359. c_ttsn
  360. c_smoh
  361. c_spoh
  362. c_stoh
  363. c_gwt"
  364. c_ewt"
  365. c_fuelcap"
  366. c_net"
  367.  replace logical values
  368.  value 0 will replace log field with "F"
  369.  value 1 will replace log field with "T"
  370. c_lmb"
  371. c_adf"
  372. c_audpan
  373. c_autop"
  374. c_deice"
  375. c_dme"
  376. c_elt"
  377. c_glidesl"
  378. c_hsi"
  379. c_navcom1"
  380. c_navcom2"
  381. c_radar"
  382. c_radaral"
  383. c_rmi"
  384. c_rnav
  385. c_xpndr"
  386.  Update status box
  387. Record "
  388.  appended"
  389. Record "
  390.  saved
  391. AirSMOH_GotFocus
  392. c_smoh#
  393. AirSMOH_KeyPress
  394. {Tab}"
  395. AirSPOH_GotFocus
  396. c_spoh#
  397. AirSPOH_KeyPress
  398. {Tab}"
  399. AirSTOH_GotFocus
  400. c_stoh#
  401. AirSTOH_KeyPress
  402. {Tab}"
  403. AirTTSN_GotFocus
  404. c_ttsn#
  405. AirTTSN_KeyPress
  406. {Tab}"
  407. AirType_GotFocus
  408. c_cat"#
  409. AirType_KeyPress
  410.  convert to uppercase
  411. {Tab}"
  412. AirType_LostFocus
  413. catname"
  414. AirTypeHelp_Click
  415. Aircraft Type Help
  416.  re-register databasec
  417. category
  418. catname"
  419. AirYear_GotFocus
  420. c_year#
  421. AirYear_KeyPress
  422. {Tab}"
  423. Form_Load
  424. Record addition request"
  425.  call general proc to load controls
  426. Edit record 
  427. Form_Paint
  428. Form_Unload
  429.  close aircraft file